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Home: Welcome



It's time to reclaim your power and step into your highest expression...

I am a Spiritual Life Coach.


I work as a guide through your transformation into the most expansive and aligned version of yourself. My greatest joy comes from helping others find their own joy and live their most fulfilling lives. I take a mind, body, spirit approach to wellness in order to holistically support each and every client's healing journey, and help my clients find the root causes of issues as well as blockages in their lives that hold them back from stepping into their power and living in their most authentic expression.


Throughout the program, I will hold space for you to heal and grow, all while learning to embody your highest self, expand consciousness, and live in your most potent joy and authenticity. The programs I have designed allow room for sustainable transformation and growth all while giving each client room to explore the aspects of their lives that they believe deserve the most love and attention.


Together, we help you learn to play again, self-source your power and confidence, prioritize your joy above all else, reconnect to your spirit, start living your soul's purpose, and devote yourself to living a life that feels fulfilling, meaningful, and most of 

You are here to live an extraordinary life. 

So why are you settling when you know you're meant for more?

Sound familiar?

  • You know you're meant for something big, but you're struggling to identify or pursue your purpose

  • You feel like your constantly looking for answers in the realm of healing and personal development but nothing is sticking​​

  • You feel like you're always chasing something, like your joy and happiness is always one step away

  • Your mind chatter overwhelms you and ruminating takes up tons of space in your brain

  • You hold back from being yourself out of fear you'll be judged or criticized

  • You feel the need for external validation and approval from others

  • You guilt yourself or talk down to yourself when you aren't "productive" enough

  • You struggle to be in the present moment and often feel ungrounded, flustered, or anxious

  • You tend to shrink yourself for the comfort of others because you are scared of people having a negative opinion of you

  • You feel depleted or burnt out because you people please, struggle to set boundaries, and put everyone else's needs above your own

  • You talk yourself out of your intuition, or can't hear your intuition at all

  • You tend to analyze or intellectualize your emotions under the guise of "self awareness"

  • You know you're holding on to fear stories, limiting beliefs, and societal conditioning but don't know how to move past them

I get it. I was there too, once upon a time. At the beginning of my journey I was lost, confused, tired, unfulfilled, and starting to feel hopeless.

But now I'm on the other side of it.

And I'm here to tell you that things can be different.


  • You feel confident expressing yourself authentically and unapologetically

  • Your beliefs are expansive and empowering, supporting the kind of life you want to live​​

  • The source of your validation and guidance is self love and intuition

  • You are able to put your needs first without feeling bad about it, and can balance the delicate dance between giving to others and giving to yourself

  • You've ended the cycle of toxic productivity and can rest guilt-free

  • You're able to set firm, kind, and fair boundaries with confidence

  • Your joy comes from within and is reflected in your external reality

  • You feel a strong sense of joy and clarity around your purpose​​

  • You are able to hold space for yourself and your emotions free of judgement or self-destructive patterns

  • You have cultivated a level of presence that allows you to live your life with peace, gratitude, and consciousness

The Content.


Throughout the coaching program, there are a few things that we focus on as the foundations of the program:

  • Expanding Consciousness: I help you through your awakening and remembrance of who you truly are and the spiritual nature of all things.

  • Dharma: We talk about your soul's purpose in this lifetime and the unique impact you can have on the world by living in alignment with your joy.

  • Authentic Expression: You step into your true power and authenticity by learning how you can stop seeking external validation and shrinking yourself for the comfort of others.

  • Embodiment: We go beyond understanding the teachings on an intellectual level by using actions steps and embodiment practices to integrate them into your life.

  • Divine Masculine & Feminine: You learn how to balance the mind, productivity, ambition, and structure with play, fun, intuition, rest, receiving, expression, and pleasure.

  • Presence: You learn the importance of presence and mindfulness for living a life of joy, bliss, and peace.

  • Nourishment: We find the type of nourishment that serves the mind, body, and soul for you as an individual.

  • Self Love: You learn that it all starts here, and begin to heal what is holding you back from unconditional self love and acceptance.

  • Energy Work: You learn about the energetic nature of everything and how this plays a role in your well-being.

  • Fun: After all, isn't that why we're all here? We laugh together, dance together, and bring the magic back into your life (magic and play isn't just for kids, you know ;) 

The Program.

  • 12 biweekly one-hour coaching sessions via Zoom

  • Voxer access to me Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, + Friday

  • Access to all free masterclasses + workshops

  • 50% off of all workshops + select programs


​Do you offer payment plan options?

Yes! There are three different payment options.

How often do you accept new clients?

I take clients on a rolling basis. The availability depends on how many clients I have. Usually I have 2-3 spots open up every few months.

Who do you work with?

I work mostly with women who identify with being a creative, intuitive, visionary, dreamer, or recovering people pleaser. The clients I work with are committed, self-motivated, coachable, and optimistic. I do not work with minors.

How much does it cost?

There are multiple prices and payment options depending what you need. We go over all of this during your consultation.

Does this feel like a full body yes?

Do you feel a pull toward this?

Is your intuition telling you to go for it?

This is where it starts. It starts with the investment.

So, are you ready?

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