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Your emotions are energy in motion.

But how often do you actually treat them that way?

Let me guess...

Not often.

For many of us, emotions are a nuisance, an inconvenience, something that gets in the way of your plans, or a reminder of something you want to push far far away.

Sound familiar? I thought so.

But what if I told you that that method of managing your emotions was doing so much more harm than you realize.

When you don't properly regulate your emotions, when you push your feelings down, when you over-analyze your emotions (which by the way isn't self awareness, it's an attempt to escape actually having to feel them...but nice try) you are preventing the energy that is your emotions from moving the way that it needs to and, you guessed it, trapping those emotions in your body and your energy field. 

From here, you're left with a whole laundry list of consequences. 

Your emotions won't go away. But they will try to find other ways of being heard. And they'll get louder and louder until you listen.

This is the state that most people are living in.

And the state that I'm going to help you get out of.

Your emotions don't have to be a burden.


They can be a tool to help you honor your body deeply, and understand yourself on a whole new level. 

Does this sound familiar?

  • You tend to over-analyze or intellectualize your emotions

  • You try and talk yourself out of your emotions when they're present

  • You tend to have little outbursts of emotion, even if they were activated by something trivial

  • You struggle with defensiveness

  • You easily feel anxious, overwhelmed, irritable, or stressed

  • You try to avoid your emotions out of fear that they will be unpleasant

  • You will sometimes feel a lump in your throat, heartache, or a pit in your stomach

  • You often take action or react from an emotional place​

  • You feel like it doesn't take much for your emotions to take over, and experience emotional outbursts

Are you ready to...

  • Regulate your emotions in a way that leaves you feeling at peace

  • Actually feel your feelings and understand what that means

  • Learn tools that can help you manage your emotions in a healthy way

  • Develop the awareness necessary to truly honor the body and what is present for you

  • Face your emotions with love, understanding, and presence rather than shame, judgement, avoidance, and frustration

  • Respond rather than react when emotions are activated within you

  • Become aware of the things that activate your emotions and cultivate a level of presence that helps you break down those triggers

  • Acknowledge emotions like anger, jealousy, judgement, guilt, shame, irritability, insecurity, or defensiveness as signs that something needs healing within you

  • Approach your emotions and internal energy with love and consciousness

  • Regulate your nervous system and break the cycle of constant physical stress

It's not just mental.


It's easy to make the mistake of thinking that your emotions are all in your head, but they're not.

Your emotions are energetic. They are physical.

They have their own vibration. They have their own hormones and chemicals associated with them.

So what do you think happens when you don't honor and process your emotions in a healthy way? That's right, they get stuck.

And what happens when they get stuck? Your body continues to experience them, your mind continues to ruminate on them, and they will try to find new ways of being heard.

By learning to properly address and regulate your emotions, you will liberate yourself not only from the cycles of mental rumination, but also from the unpleasant physical ailments, aches, pains, illnesses, and discomforts that are the result of low vibrational emotions residing in the body for extended periods of time.

And in doing so you can step into a more empowered, peaceful version of yourself.

Energetics of Emotions is a virtual workshop where you will learn everything you need to know about regulating your emotions and showing up for yourself with love and intention.

We are going to cover...

  • What emotions actually are and how they impact the mind, body, and spirit

  • What happens when we suppress or reject our emotions

  • The role our emotions play in our physical health

  • My four steps for emotional regulation and how to start using them

  • How to use your emotions to learn more about what needs healing within you

  • What trapped emotions are and the energetic nature of our body

  • How to clear stagnant energy

  • Tools to honor your body and transmute your feelings into presence

  • Live journal questions and movement practices to help you honor whatever emotions are present

Want to be part of the magic? Get the replay here.

One payment of $77

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